Saturday, January 19, 2019

Whole Housetifarian(ism) and 3rd Millennium Beguine†

Outside ...  
About four years ago I gave up my apartment in Albuquerque and wandered off to Cyprus (the island, not the tree) for a writing residency at the Cyprus College of Art. Although my legal digs  are in Texas - it seems I have become a semi-professional houseguest or -sitter . . . (and, while abroad, an AirBnB inmate).

Homeless? "Not hardly," as my ancestors would say. But in the last few years something of a house-dancer... 

2019 was embroiled in a family health situation that finally rolled to a halt in September.  After taking a break in Greece, I will be returning to the States and the *formal* world of housesitting. I am signed up with Housesitters America, so you can take a look at that site for more my experience there, and this post will establish some of my other bona fides.

$50 a week for basic housesitting (organic plant care, mail and bill management, light yard and housework);
$75 includes first critter care e.g. cat, dog, snakes/lizard, hedgehog, foxes, birds (including parrots). 
Add $25 per week for second critter-care. And $25 for each additional pet.  Flocks or bird pairs are considered 'first critter.'

The Breakdown:
House = $50 week. House+cat= $75/week. House+cat+parrot= $100/week.  House + cat + parrot + geese = $125 week.

Gifts for the Air hosts...
Chocolate! shopping bags!
Incense! Rubbergloves? 
Oh, while I am 420-friendly, I do not partake.  Nor do I  smoke tobacco. Nor do I have rowdy
Tupperware parties. I do meditate, so I'm not that boring.  And yes, all of this is negotiable. HMU.

Need more?  There's always my public profile on Air... Or write to me for references and I'll shoot them out to you.

Thanks for riding along with me on this, and feel free to distribute to your networks!

†First published on May 8, 2018. Republished on Nov. 19, 2019.  


  1. Yes It’s good your are carrying your tradition of careful house care, will pass on the word of your availability ....

    1. Thanks, Sweetie! Your place was a Hill Country jewel!

  2. Wonderful! You did an amazing job of housesitting and caring for the various pets in that house in Austin a couple of years ago. I'll certainly let people know that you're available to housesit. I know you'll do a great job.

  3. Luna! Thank you for singing out! (Sophia Luna helped me clean one of my housesitting gigs before the owner came back...) Lovelove, M
